Enabling Change
Empowering People

Our Solutions

We partner with you to transform your organisation

Since 2007, HumanCapient Consulting Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Human Capital Development Sdn. Bhd.) has gained strength from its diverse collection of expertise in the areas of

Organisational Change Management

Human Capital Management

Strategic Management

Talent and Leadership Development

Research Studies

Change Management

We take your business to the next level with each project we are engaged in. With almost 20 years of experience, our expertise includes business and culture transformation and the implementation and migration of ERP integration programmes. Through various modes of advisory and implementation, we apply the Humancap’s structured CM model, together with the experience of managing change in guiding stakeholders through the change journey with the end goal of optimising the solution through increased level of adoption.

The ACMP recognised Change Management Certification Programme (CMCP) is our signature programme where we share our experiences and build your CM capability using HumanCap’s CM model. Transform your business with HumanCap and pave the way to sustainable success together.

Strategy Consulting

Transforming strategic visions into reality demands isn't merely a skill but an artisan's touch. At HumanCap, we elevate the art of strategy development through targeted analysis, strategic roadmap designs, and precision in execution. We champion your organisation’s journey from planning to peak performance.

Beyond core strategy, our expertise extends to facilitating BBDS/BBDSB Transition, providing tailored support for government agencies mandated to navigate these complex changes. Let HumanCap be your strategy architect.


Unlock new possibilities with our impact studies. Our expert evaluations provide actionable insights and data-driven recommendations, enabling you to make informed decisions that drive positive change, optimise performance, and achieve your business objectives.
Who We Are

A Team with Deep, Practical Experience

Our experienced management team, having held senior positions in the private and public sectors, offer invaluable combined industry experience and functional competencies. Customising your needs is what sets us apart from our competitors. Backed by a wealth of accumulated experience, our team of experts are here to ensure that only the best solutions are provided to you and your company.

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143 Projects

executed to date

30 Employees

giving their level best

22 Clients

every year

17 Years

worth of experience

Our Clients

We are trusted by innovative enterprises across industries

To date, HumanCap has provided strategic support and value-based consultancy to clients from various sectors including Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Banking, IT and the Government.

Success Stories

Transforming visions into victories, one strategic solution at a time.

Elevating Human Capital and Finance for Sustainable Future


Sustainability and Innovation
The aviation strategy in enhancing safety and security did not take into consideration the evolving global landscape, which necessitated continuous adaptation and innovation.

Human Capital (HC) and Financial Independence
The organisation faced sustainability challenges due to inadequate human capital (HC) strategic frameworks and financial frameworks. The absence of these foundational structures impaired long-term operational efficiency, making it difficult for the organisation to thrive independently.

Strategic and Transformation Needs
There was an absence of a strategic direction that focused on enhancing the workforce skills, acquiring financial autonomy, and implementing transformation plans to achieve improved service, sustainability, and excellence.

The Solution

Strategy Proposed a five (5)-year strategic plan that included incorporating innovative practices and sustainability principles by anticipating future challenges and opportunities to position the entity as a global leader.

Human Capital (HC)
Developed a HC Strategic Plan, covering talent management, performance management, succession, career management, and service schemes, complemented by job-fit analysis for strategic alignment.

Financial Management (FM)
Strengthened financial policies, processes, and procedures for improved governance, transparency, and strategic financial alignment, based on analysis and benchmarks with best practices.

Change Management (CM)
Implemented CM strategies to support strategic initiatives and promote resilience, adaptability, and service improvement, defining stakeholder commitments.

The Outcome

A five (5)-year strategic plan was developed, incorporating new and practicable HC frameworks and enhanced financial policies, processes, and procedures, to propel the entity towards growth and sustainability in the industry.

Catalysing Change, Ensuring Endurance: A Nationwide Governance Journey

The Outcome

Our Change Management service for the Nationwide Rollout of Google Workspace delivered seamless adoption for over 425,000 employees, minimising resistance. Through a comprehensive 3-year change management plan, we facilitated efficient training, effective communication, stakeholder engagement, and closed the loop with multiple-pronged post-implementation reviews. This approach maximised productivity, minimised disruptions, and demonstrated positive impact to the organisation.


Nationwide Rollout of Google Workspace
The organisation had an expected base of over 425,000 users to transition and manage the adoption of unified communications and collaboration – This was the second largest Google implementation in the world.

Optimisation of Use
The organisation needed to increase optimisation of the use of unified communication tools for daily tasks across all stakeholder groups to improve communication and collaboration within departments, agencies, and with the public.

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic and Movement Control Order (MCO)
The organisation faced significant limitations in reaching stakeholders caused by the pandemic and MCO enforcement.

User Adoption and Change Resistance
The organisation needed to manage stakeholders’ resistance due to being too accustomed to previous solutions and fear and uncertainty of the new solutions being introduced.

The Solution

Change Management (CM)

Implement a 3-year CM master plan using a phased approach to manage change effectively. The following elements are integral to ensuring smooth adoption across the organisation:

Change Impact Analysis (CIA) - Conducted CIA to evaluate the impacts of Google Workspace implementation. Findings contributed to informed decision-making processes on managing stakeholders, training, and communication, as well as ensured a proactive approach to managing any potential challenges.

Change Readiness Assessment (CRA) - Conducted a thorough CRA to evaluate the stakeholders’ preparedness for the implementation. Used findings to develop stakeholder management, training, and communication strategies to maximise readiness for a smooth transition.

Stakeholder Management - Developed a stakeholder management plan that included identifying commitment levels, resistance, and recognising supportive stakeholders. This helped address resistance, built buy-in, and fostered a positive attitude towards change.

A Comprehensive Training Management - Equipped users with necessary skills by delivering training through quick guides, self-learning videos, instructor-led modules, Train-the-Trainer (TTT), and in-person workshops, to accommodate different learning styles and the Covid-19Pandemic MCO. Provided ongoing support to address any concerns or issues.

Structured Communication Planning and Dissemination - Developed a detailed communication plan to ensure effective communication throughout the rollout, including regular updates and feedback mechanisms for seamless transition and user engagement. Provided regular updates through newsletters and emails to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.

Compliance Audit - The Compliance Audit ensured users’ adherence to regulations, policies, and standards of using Software-as-a-Service. Findings guided corrective actions and ensured ongoing compliance through monitoring and periodic audits.

User Satisfaction Survey (USS) - USS surveys gathered users’ feedback on information, system, and service quality, intention to use the system, and satisfaction. Insights were utilised to improve user experience.

Impact Studies - The impact study quantified project return on investment and evaluated overall impact. Findings highlighted the value proposition, informing stakeholders of the positive impact of the project.

Revolutionising Human Capital for Tomorrow's Success


HR Policy and Procedures Gaps Enhancement Needs
The organisation needed to update HR policies to align with industry standards, streamline the inconsistencies in service schemes as well as digitalize its HR manual processes which impeded operational efficiency and innovation.
Talent development, career pathing, performance management and industrial relations were also areas of concern and have impacted organisational performance, emphasising the need for robust HR frameworks to develop and retain talent.

Work Culture
The organisation faced challenges in fostering effective management – staff communication, building trust and promoting team cohesion.

The Solution

Organisational Structure

Restructured the organisation based on the organisational strategy for improved efficiency and positioning the organisation for future success.

Human Capital (HC)

Implemented a HC Strategic Management Plan, focusing on the following key areas:

HR Framework - Developed, updated and streamlined HR processes, to enhance organisational alignment.

HR Policies - Revised policies to ensure alignment with industry best practices.

Leadership Assessment - Conducted multidimension assessments to the management team to identify key talents and ensure strategic placement while highlighting growth areas of the current workforce.

Implementation Plan - Analysed impact and ease of implementation of each HR policy implementation initiatives to allow seamless integration to minimise disruptions to operations and maximise impact.

Change Management (CM)

Implemented phased Change Management initiatives to encourage transparent communication and build trust, engaged with staff in decision-making through surveys, coaching, workshops, feedback mechanisms and townhall meetings.

The Outcome

This project delivered a transformative impact, enhancing HR procedures in talent planning, recruitment, compensation and benefits, performance management, training and development, career pathing, succession planning and employee engagement.

The project involved comprehensive stakeholder engagements, change management, development of policies and standard operating procedures, multiple dimension competency assessments and strategic organisational restructuring.

A structured implementation plan was then prepared to ensure seamless execution. Ultimately, this project facilitated the client's journey towards efficiency, empowerment, and sustained success for the organisation.

Powering Tomorrow: Crafting Malaysia's 5-Year Energy Evolution


Identification of Strategic Objectives
It was essential for the organisation to identify strategic objectives that not only reflected its mission but also contributed significantly as per their role in achieving the goals enlisted in the Malaysian Renewable Energy Roadmap (MyRER).

Formulation of Impactful Strategies
The organisation needed to develop strategies that were effective and had a tangible impact on Malaysia's renewable energy development. These strategies needed to be innovative, practical, and scalable.

Financial Planning
Adequate financial planning was necessary to support the execution of the strategic plan. This involved identifying funding sources, allocating resources efficiently, and ensuring sustainability in the implementation of initiatives.

The Solution


Strategic solutions that empowered organisations to navigate complexities, anticipate shifts, and chart a clear path towards sustained success:

Comprehensive Situational Analysis - Conducted an in-depth assessment to pinpoint internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, laying the foundation for informed decision-making.

Forward-looking Foresight Analysis - Strategically forecasted future trends, enabling proactive adjustments to organisational goals in response to potential impacts.

Strategic Retreat Facilitation - Orchestrated strategic retreats, securing endorsement from the Board of Directors and Top Management for the envisioned future state.

Robust Strategic Planning - Established clear strategic objectives and key performance indicators, providing a roadmap for focused and effective execution.

The Outcome

A five-year strategic plan, collaboratively developed and endorsed by the Board of Directors and Top Management, is officially adopted and implemented by the organisation.