
Talent Management and Leadership Development

Many organisations experience leadership deficit. This problem emerged largely because organisations do not invest enough effort in developing future leaders to lead at the strategic level. Many leaders develop their leadership skills at the operational level. While these leaders can be good at leading operations, this experience is not sufficient to prepare them for strategic leadership. Good strategic leadership skill is rare and takes time to develop.

What We Offer

More organisations are making the effort to overcome this leadership deficit by initiating talent management programmes.

A challenge for many organisations is designing a good talent management programme. Talent management is not just about conducting training. Leadership competencies development requires a learning process that is experiential and provides the opportunity for talents to exercise leadership in a strategic context. The organisation’s culture and practice must also support and encourage high performance.

In addition, not all operational leaders are suitable for strategic leadership. Thus, assessing candidates for inclusion in the talent management programme becomes important. Besides current performance, it is important to gauge a leader’s future potential. Designing a talent management programme has to also include developing the organisation’s leadership succession plan. The follows depict the basic activities in a talent management programme:

Talent Management Programme

HumanCap has a long experience helping organisations address their talent management needs.

We have helped companies

develop their leadership succession process,

review their leadership competencies model,

set up their assessment centre,

conduct leadership competencies assessment,

conduct leadership development programmes,

assist with leadership selection.

Our offerings are scalable and can be customised to suit the client’s requirements. Clients can engage us as a one-stop solution provider for all these activities or select the specific service they need.
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Strategy workshop facilitation

Our strategy workshop facilitation service is designed to help clients undergo a systematic process in examining their strategic issues and decide on their future strategy.

We customise our approach to suit the clients’ problem situation. This will involve having our consultants engage the stakeholders in the clients’ organisation to understand the issues they are trying to address.

The input from these engagements will then be used to design the workshop. Prior to the workshop, a pre-workshop briefing will be held for all participants to ensure everyone comes prepared to the workshop. This way the workshop will be able to focus on key strategic issues and tap into the collective wisdom of the participants. Our consultants will help clients analyse issues and help them explore options.

Your Benefits

How We Can Benefit Your Organisation

Ensure clear link with your organisation’s vision, mission, middle and long-term talent management

Provide pragmatic and solution-based oriented development interventions that is tailored to fit intended objectives

Ensure scholars development needs and intervention plans are proactively identified and addressed

Ensure all key stakeholders are well informed on the status and progress of scholars

Ensure scholars are engaged and on-track in achieving the desired state of employability

Managed by well experienced talent management experts

What We Offer

Enhances your scholars’ employability and competitiveness as they enter the job market

HumanCap’s expertise in Scholars Development & Management enhances your scholars’ employability and competitiveness as they enter the job market in order to excel in their career and become future nation leaders. HumanCap’s program structure is designed with an open plan to benefit students regardless of age or skill level, and is customised to your organisation’s competency goals, talent management framework, and culture.

Our end-to-end experience in specific programs in local and international universities has equipped scholars with leadership skills and prepare eligible graduates for employment. HumanCap’s industry relationships and the quality of scholars that are produced provide employers with hiring confidence.

HumanCap Scholars Development & Management design is highly customised to your objectives and is tailored to your needs.

Development of assessment framework and tools for scholarship recipient selection processes

A review of your existing framework of development programs, incorporating vision, mission, core values, strategic intents, and relevant competencies

An analysis on scholars’ progress

A proposal on modular curriculum for training and development interventions which includes psychometric profiling

Identification of potential internal and external training partners

An analysis of learning needs / competency gaps assessment through various techniques including MBTI, Hogan Career Development, and Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Implementation of the structured programs based on agreed Development Program Calendar, becoming the training arm for your scholarship body

Review and evaluate effectiveness of the program

Managing a Scholars’ Management System by administering the scholars’ database, communications and individual report for scholars

Manage the stakeholders (parents and caretakers of the scholars, ministry and government agencies, and Faculty of Student Affair Divisions)

Change management

HumanCap 360° Leadership Assessment

360 Leadership Assessment is multi-dimensional feedback that will provide valuable input in improving individual and organisational effectiveness. This assessment empowers leaders to unlock their full potential, fostering positive change and organisational success.

With HumanCap 360° Assessment, you can unleash your better self. The objectives of this assessment are:

Explore self and others (superior, peers/colleagues and subordinates) perception of leadership competencies.

Identify strengths and opportunities for improvement and help to enhance job performance.

Increase understanding of the behaviours required to improve personal and organisational effectiveness.

Promote good faith communication where a more open culture of giving and receiving feedback is a norm.

Success Stories

Our clients loves us because of our quality work

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A Leadership Experiential Action Programme

Formal Instructional Learning

Address specific individual skills such as business communication, critical thinking, time management, and leadership challenges

Community Based Learning

Puts scholarship students in cross functional teams to review specific organisational issues and present to Management Committee. They will also be given the opportunity to participate in round table discussions with Subject Matter Experts.

Professional Learning

Exposes scholars to different work environment through job rotation and provides opportunities to shadow cross functional senior managers in Observation Learning Cycle

Self Directed Learning

Enhances practical knowledge on focused topics through knowledge sharing sessions and external networking